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- Information File On: U.F.O. Research Institute of Canada (UFORIC)
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- As UFONET is not itself an investigative body, but a forum for
- the thoughts and ideas of the public, UFOlogists, and research groups;
- part of our mandate is to alert people to the existence of worthwhile
- research organizations. Recently, I learned of a new organization by
- the name of UFORIC, which is based in Vancouver. Other than a having
- a packet of documents from them, I have very little first-hand info
- about the group. However, from what I've seen so far, they do seem
- to be a professionally run organization, which in this field of study,
- is saying a lot. What follows then is some reprints of some of the
- information that was sent to me. If you're interested in pursuing
- this further, contact addresses and phone numbers will be listed.
- Again, what follows should not be construed as an endorsement
- of UFORIC, although my own personal feelings are that UFORIC seems
- to be a legitimate organization, and one in which your money wouldn't
- be wasted. One thought to bear in mind is that this group has only
- been in operation for about 14 wks. and may be "here today, gone
- tomorrow". However I don't think this will be the case with UFORIC,
- as they seem to have done their homework and started on a solid
- organizational foundation. UFORIC was "Incorporated" earlier this
- year in the province of British Columbia. UFONET is in no way
- affiliated with UFORIC, although its hoped that their will be two-
- way co-operation between both groups. One of the Directors, Lorne
- Goldfeather, informed me that they were looking to have a BBS arm
- of UFORIC 8-12 months down the road. At present, I'm trying to
- procure a UFONET node in Vancouver, in order that we might have
- quicker access to Directors and members of UFORIC in the B.C. area.
- - Tom Mickus <<UFONET I>> 9/29/89
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- Note: The following electronic reproductions are different in form
- ---- than that of the originals.
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- 24 Hour Reporting Service - News Updates Daily
- U F O R I C
- For Information call: 1-(604)-685-1-UFO
- --------------------
- Or write: Dept. 25 - 1665 Robson St.,
- -------- Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6G 3C2
- Current List Of U.F.O.R.I.C. Board Of Director Officers:
- --------------------------------------------------------
- First Officer: - Helen Williams, 106-1170 Haro St. Vancouver B.C.
- ------------- V6E 1R8
- Second Officer: - Graham Conway
- --------------
- Third Officer: - Brian Fewster, 7709-127th St., Surrey, B.C.
- ------------- V3W 4B1
- Fourth Officer: - Jack Roberts, 7165 Bridgewood Dr., Burnaby, B.C.
- -------------- V5A 3T5
- Fifth Officer: - Neil Gilchrist, 5629 Ash St., Vancouver, B.C.
- ------------- V5Z 3G8
- Sixth Officer: - Lorne Goldfeather, #904, 1275 Haro St., Vancouver
- ------------- B.C., V6E 1G1
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- (code-of-ethics form-1) U.F.O.R.I.C. (members copy)
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- -----------------------
- 1. To promote the free exchange, discussion and dissemination of
- information, theories and ideas and proofs related to ufology,
- in Canada and internationally.
- 2. To maintain high standards of ethics, humanitarianism, and
- scientific practices in the study of the U.F.O. phenomenon.
- 3. To preserve the history and genealogy of available U.F.O. research.
- 4. To secure cooperative action in advancing the common cause of its
- members.
- 5. To disseminate information of a general, economic, social or
- governmental character; to analyze subjects relating there to;
- and present the views of its members to other organizations,
- the government, and the public (may require inviting guest
- speakers, or travelling to locations other than Vancouver).
- 6. To cooperate with other organizations of like interest, in Canada
- and worldwide.
- 7. To further the training and education of its members.
- 8. To maintain a 24 HOUR reporting hotline and carry on
- investigations, which may involve hypnosis by a certified
- hypnotherapist.
- 9. To promote standardization in the investigation, reporting and
- evaluation of U.F.O. sightings and related phenomena.
- 10. To provide, at some point in time, in a newsletter or periodical,
- a local, and/or national, and/or international forum for the
- report and publication of all worthy activities and projects of
- person, groups or organizations working in the field of ufology.
- 11. To make awards, eventually, within the life of this association,
- to persons, associations, or agencies, in recognition of
- outstanding accomplishments in the field of ufology. Awards
- may be of a general nature or specific funding for an
- investigative research project.
- --------------
- 1. Members shall maintain high standards of ethics and scientific
- practices and shall be guided in their relationships by personal
- integrity.
- 2. They shall uphold the dignity and reputation of U.F.O.R.I.C.
- before the public at all times.
- 3. They shall avoid and discourage sensationalism, exaggeration,
- undignified and unwarranted statements, or misleading advertising.
- 4. In providing devices of any nature, such as an electomagnetic
- field detector, gravity wave detector, or signalling machines,
- they shall offer a 30 day money back guarantee and provide a
- year's warranty on the item in writing (except for expendable
- parts). Also, they shall provide a repair service for any device
- offered (reasonable use required).
- 5. In providing service for compensation, they shall refuse to
- undertake that which is of a questionable nature, and they shall
- advise the probability of success.
- 6. They shall not use their membership in this association as
- evidence of qualification, or as a measure of ability or
- performance.
- 7. They shall not exhibit or use the name of U.F.O RESEARCH INSTITUTE
- OF CANADA - (U.F.O.R.I.C.) on any letterhead, stationary, or
- business cards, nor in advertising of a business or professional
- nature, unless as part of the association's regular activities,
- along with the approval of its board of directors.
- 8. Any members found to be in violation of this Code of Ethics by the
- board of directors may have his/her membership priviledges in the
- U.F.O.R.I.C. revoked.
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- (Form Sent to People Inquiring about UFORIC)
- Date:
- Dear __________________,
- Thank you for your request about our organization.
- We are a non profit group of professionals who are greatly
- interested and keenly determined in solving the U.F.O. mystery
- in a methodical, serious manner.
- Aside from our 24 HOUR NEWS SERVICE, we do on-going
- investigations and on-site inspections. We depend on public
- support in order to keep this organization in existence.
- We are offering yearly club memberships. For $20.00 you
- will receive a UFORIC membership card and interesting mailings
- on the subject every month. Another $2.00 will get you a
- catalogue of many U.F.O. magazines and books available from us
- dating as far back as 1957 up to present time.
- Kindly send a postal money order (money orders only please)
- to Lorne Goldfeather, Dept. 25 - 1665 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C.,
- V6G 3C2, Canada.
- We look forward to hearing from you. Any further donation
- will also be greatly appreciated. We intend to grow as an
- established and respected institution worldwide with your help.
- Yours Truly,
- Lorne Goldfeather,
- Director UFORIC
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- To Whom It May Concern
- UFORIC - U.F.O. Research Institute of Canada is pleased to
- announce its services to the civilian, medical, governmental, police
- and military communities.
- on our HOTLINE. All incoming calls and information disclosed to us
- is held in strictest confidence, never leaving the office of the
- director or shown to others without the expressed permission of the
- confidant.
- As a non-profit organization, we depend on contributions to
- maintain our services as well as doing on-site research with
- monitoring equipment. Any donations of $20.00 and over will entitle
- you to club membership for one year. Every month you will receive
- material in the mail on the U.F.O. phenomena.
- Our government has had two official documented studies on
- the subject of flying saucers. They even set up an observation
- post with electromagnetic detectors at Shirley Bay in the province
- of Ontario. Canada now has an astronomical data collection agency
- in Victoria, British Columbia.
- An item we are currently offering consists of two interesting
- recordings on one audio tape. The first part consists of a live
- conversation recorded by American BASE COMMANDER HALT at Woodbridge,
- England. Halt, Lieutenant Bruce Englund, Major Zickler and Sergeant
- Nevells were taking radiation readings at a landing site in a forest
- close by. Suddenly they saw several U.F.O.s fly near them and they
- became very frightened. Former Woodbridge Base Commander Colonel
- Sam Morgan released the audiotape to British Solicitor Harry Harris
- in 1984.
- Following this, we have inserted a completely different
- recording of what we believe to be an extraterrestrial voice
- pleading for help four times. This tape came to us during our
- research of a family who on several occasions encountered U.F.O.s.
- The father is a prominent local businessman. His wife made a
- recording on audio tape which she planned to send to friends in
- Australia. After finishing she played it back and was disappointed
- to find distortions in her voice throughout the tape. Strangely
- it was only in the parts where she spoke about U.F.O.s Her husband
- made a HIGH SPEED DUBBING, and oddly enough, it came out with her
- voice in slow motion overlaid by another eerie voice pleading for
- help four times. At this time we are trying to determine if it
- has voice print.
- We will send you these recordings, one audio cassette
- for $15 (Money order). Please send postal money orders to:
- Lorne Goldfeather, Dept. 25 - 1665 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C.,
- V6G 3C2, Canada.
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